Easy Tricks to Sleep Better
Habits, Lifestyle

You Need to Know these 3 Easy Tricks for Better Sleep

Looking for a better night’s sleep? Here are 3 easy tricks you need to know.

What kind of sleeper are you?  Tell me about your “bedtime routine.”  I know this is sounding a bit like a mom-to-mom talk where mom A shares her tried and true tips and tricks on how to get her baby to sleep 14 hours through the night. But I’m really talking about myself, you, adults, and how “we” sleep. And yes, I am going to share my own personal tried and true tips and easy tricks for better sleep because though I don’t have many great talents, I have been gifted with the wonderful talent of being a great sleeper. Find out how below.

Electricity & Technology Messed Us Up

I am convinced that if it wasn’t for the invention of electricity, humans all over, (well at least in the northern hemisphere) would be early to sleep and early to rise.  We would sleep at twilight or shortly after, and wake at sunrise.  But in our current day, not only do we have electricity, but we also have a host of technologies, crazy early morning work hours, (not to mention kids who want to be up at 5:30 am every morning, including and especially on Saturdays).  In short, it seems as though everything in our world is working against us getting a genuinely good night of sleep. But why is sleep so important?

Sleep is Productive

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A guide to better sleep

Now I know there are those who believe that sleep is a rather large waste of time.  But in truth, lack of sleep is a real waste of time. Studies have consistently shown that sleep deprivation leads to less productivity and lower performance levels during the day, less clarity, poor judgment, and a reduction in one’s ability to focus increased risks to physical health such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes[1]. All of these things I just listed above are potential factors in shorter life spans[2]. On the contrary, great sleep enables us to be more productive, think more clearly, make better decisions due to better judgment, stay focused on tasks and conversations, and more.  We can’t afford to NOT sleep.

So, let’s jump into some of my personal tricks and key disciplines for getting better sleep. I hope these will help us all not only sleep better but also to live better.

Easy Tricks for Better Sleep #1: Media

I know, I know, you’ve heard it so many times you’re probably giving me an eye roll now.  But in our culture where we are 24/7 bombarded with media, (television, smartphones, ipads and notebooks, laptops, video games, smartwatches, {and am I missing anything}, we need many reminders cause it can be so very, very hard.  This is possibly the most difficult of the three disciplines. Here are some of my personal tricks for better sleep:

Sleep better - Habits that help
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For better sleep, turn your phone off for the night
Ditch the phone an hour before and get better sleep
  • Pick a time you want to sleep.  This is the easy part.
  • Pick an earlier time in the evening where you turn it all off, except for one media outlet. Then, pick a time later in the evening, but not too late, where you turn off that last media outlet.  For example, if you enjoy watching some shows after the kids are down for bed, let the television be your last outlet.  You can shut down all other devices at 7pm, and be committed to shutting off the television by 9:30pm. That way you can still enjoy your shows while also making sure you give yourself enough space before you want to sleep.
  • Be accountable.  Share with your spouse/partner what you intend to do and why, and then let them hold you to it. 

Easy Tricks for Better Sleep # 2: Diet

This is another difficult discipline for many. 

  • Cut out caffeine after 4 and sugars after 6.  Yes, this means stop having soda for dinner and stop drinking coffee with desert!  Many people believe caffeine and sugar has little to no effect on them, including their sleep.  But I have found, anecdotally, that these are the same people that are often struggling to sleep, or they are the people who consider themselves ‘night owls’ because they are often up late into the night or early morning hours. 
  • In addition to caffeine and sugar, and regardless of your current diet or nutrition, cut out the carbs after 6pm.  Carbohydrates make us feel lethargic and perhaps tired, initially.  But the feeling of satiation will not last.   You will feel hungry faster, and then find yourself eating more again, and perhaps waking during the night with hunger.  No matter how many carbs you consume during the day, choose a protein to snack on if you need something after 6.  Hard boiled eggs and nuts are our go-to evening snacks. 

Tips and tricks for helping your child kick her thumb sucking habit (or any bad habit- Binky Nail biting Hair pulling, Knuckle popping).
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Celebrating Mom's is never complicated or difficult. But making everyday a celebration of our mothers by finding inspiration from their motherhood stories, and intentionally striving to be like follow in their footsteps can always be challenging. Here are just a handful of things I am inspired by from my own mother.

Easy Tricks for Better Sleep #3: Routine

You probably already have a routine so I’m just going to highlight some of the tricks in my routine that I believe help me wind down and prepare for sleep.  And I want to emphasize the “wind down and prepare” because that is the purpose of a routine.  If any part of your current routine is actually stimulating you (as opposed to winding you down), it might be time to rethink it and cut it out. 

  • Saying Goodnight.  I know this is a no-brainer but I have to talk about it a little.  My spouse and I always, always say goodnight to each other with a kiss.  No matter what took place that day, or how we got along, or NOT.  Regardless what our struggles and circumstances are.  We always, always say goodnight.  It’s a statement to each other that “I’m putting everything aside and I love you.”  It allows us to have peace so that we can sleep without being disturbed by the circumstances or problems that may have brought division amongst us that day.
  • A Nice Warm or Hot Shower.  Many of you will say that a morning shower is what helps you wake up.  I am firm believer than showers, especially warm or hot ones, actually put us to sleep. I remember many mornings back in the day when I woke up to shower where I would crawl back into bed afterward, desperately wanting to go back to sleep.  Having a hot shower relaxes the muscles that tense up during the day, clears the sinuses, and calms the nerves.  Not only that, but there is no better feeling than crawling into bed with a clean, washed body. This is the perfect way to end the day.
  • Reading or Journaling.  This is the last thing I do before the light goes out.  It doesn’t have to be long, just ten or fifteen minutes until the eyes get heavy.  It’s just a simple way to get in some last thoughts before you quiet your mind.  Another option is to create a “to do” list for the following day, which would help ease your mind from thinking about all the things you still need to do. Stressing about all those things will inevitable increase the amount of stress you feel just before sleeping. So why not create a list for tomorrow so you can get it off your mind and relax just before sleeping.

[1] “How does inadequate sleep affect health?” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dec. 2016

[2] “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation.” Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

You Need to Know these 3 Easy Tricks for Better Sleep

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