Dear Fifteen Year Old Me! A reflective letter to myself stating that life will turn out exactly as it is supposed to turn out.Habits, Lifestyle

A Simple Letter to My Fifteen Year Old Self

To feel the gentleness of wind against my face while riding hands free on my bike with my neighborhood friends. Popsicles, cookie dough, baseball games in the park after school, the sound of my mother on the front porch calling myself and brothers home for dinner…If I knew then how important and wonderful each of these moments would be to my future, aging self, I would have captured them better for long term memory, not taking them for granted, and not wishing them away in hopes that I could grow up fast, quickly mature, become an independent, self-sufficient adult…

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Cultivating Relationships with Friends, and finding your tribe.Habits, Lifestyle

You Need to Know Why Relationships are so Important.

I have always been a bit shy, introverted, and mostly able to accomplish things on my own. Other than when I was a boy crazy teenager, I have never really been much into talking on the phone. I have always been the one to receive invitations to events, however big or small. I have rarely hosted or initiated events. So arriving at the question of how I want others to interpret my life and also how I want them to perceive the person I am was a major question with a major void. I realized that at the end of my life, I don’t want to be alone. Life is meant to be shared.

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Activities, Food, Motherhood, Recipe, Toddlers

The BEST Dinosaur Party with These Amazing Ideas

This was such a fun party to host for my son’s third birthday. He loves dinosaurs and several months prior to his birthday we did the salt dough fossils activity together, which was so much fun for us both. From that activity came the inspiration for this dinosaur birthday party including the Salt Dough Fossils, Dinosaur Eggs (with baby dinosaurs inside), Ice Eggs, and of course a Dinosaur Excavation.

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