Make him feel like your Valentine! With fun, meaningful gifts that are just right for him, food, and a romantic dinner out, make Valentine's Day about him this year.
Activities, Love & Marriage

Four Secrets to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Like Your Valentine

Make your boyfriends feel special on Valentine’s Day – Four tips and tricks.

Let’s face it women! We expect a lot from him on that special day-Valentine’s Day. But rarely do we put much thought into how we can make that day special for him. Have you ever thought about what you can do for your boyfriend or spouse on Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day is not like any other holiday, where a simple gift would suffice. It’s the type of day where we get to express how much we love a particular someone in a variety of ways: words of affirmation, gifts, service, quality time, helping them out with something. (Read about the Five Languages of Love and take the quiz here). To make the day special, do some meaningful things for him that make the day as special for him as he makes it for you. Below are Four Secrets to Making your Boyfriend, or spouse, Feel like your Valentine.

What are you going to do for your boyfriend on Valentine's Day? Show Appreciation this Valentine's Day and treat him to what you know he loves.

I remember the first Valentine’s Day I spent with my husband (boyfriend at the time), back in 2012. I really wanted to make it a special one. So, while I had no idea what he was planning for me, I decided to fill his entire day with little and big surprises. And he absolutely loved it! So, I want to share some of these tips and tricks with you too. Check it out below! I would also love to hear some of your own ideas.

1. Surprise your Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day with Redeemable Tokens

One very simple and fun thing you can do for your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day is to make coupons out of card stock and laminate them. For Valentine’s Day, you can make heart-shaped coupons he can redeem for a treat or act of service. This makes the day fun and exciting for him. It also gives him something to look forward to after Valentine’s Day and really makes him feel life your Valentine.

I found some wooden tokens at a craft fair awhile ago, and chose my favorite ones to give him. I cut out heart-shapes from cardstock and texturized them with Mod Podge. Then, I used some adhesive spray to attach the wooden tokens. I strategically placed them throughout his house and car in such a way that he would find them throughout the day. Need some ideas for tokens or coupons and tips on where to hide them?

Ideas for Token or Coupons

Good for one hug, one baked good, one walk with me, a massage, one pep talk, one home-cooked meal. You can make up your own too, depending on the nature of your relationship and how intimate you want to get.

Where to hide the Tokens

You can easily hide the tokens on the dashboard of his car, on his bathroom mirror, at his place setting on the dining table, on his favorite chair in the living room. You can also put one in his coat pocket, on his tie clip, on the top of his pillow. If you’re able to place a couple at his office: on his office door, on his keyboard or on the monitor itself. The idea here is to hide them in a variety of places so that he will find them throughout the entire day rather than getting them all at once.

If you’re wondering what my other ideas are to make him feel like your Valentine…

Check out these Blogs Too

2. Pack a Special Lunch for your Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day

Packing an extraordinary lunch is another fun thing to do for your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day, and it is sure to surprise him. Besides that, anything related to food is a fail-proof way to make him feel like he is your Valentine! I was lucky to know somebody at the time who made, sold, and delivered lunchboxes on Valentine’s Day.

With some thought, a little extra time, and creativity, a lunchbox can be made. Whatever you do, make sure he’s surprised. If you want it delivered to his work hot and ready to eat, have a friend, co-worker of his, or yourself deliver it. If you don’t mind whether it’s hot or not, put it in the refrigerator at his office, or on the passenger seat of his car so he takes it with him in the morning. Below I outlined precisely what my friend created and how it was done.

Find a box that works, and decorate the outside

To Go boxes work well. A small-medium sized gift box will work. You can get a box at any craft store or you can even use a clean shoe box. Decorate your box with ribbon, tool, fabric, or leave it as is. To personalize the box, put a label on the outside that has his name on it, and a little Valentine message.


Decide on a Valentine’s Day menu for your boyfriend

The lunchboxes my friend made included: Grilled Cheese Sandwich, choice of Tomato Bisque Soup or Spring Salad, a cake pop for dessert, and a single serving bottle of Martinelli’s Apple Cider. You know what your boyfriend loves to eat, so get creative and make him a lunch that is memorable. Once you decide on the menu, it’s time to get creative.

Add a Special Valentine-Theme

My friend made Valentine labels for the Martinelli’s Cider, which included his name. She ordered Valentine themed straws (white with little red hearts) to drink it. She also had red napkins and plasticware. If you really want to make this feel like a gourmet meal, wrap silverware into a red cloth napkin, and tie it with ribbon. Also, be sure to create a menu, and place it in the box. You can either attach it to the inside lid, or roll it up and tie with ribbon. Place the scrolled menu on top of the food, tie it in with the napkin, or paste it to the inside lid of the box.

The Final Touch

I included a little sheet of paper with a love note and a box of Hershey’s kisses. You can also write a little Valentine message on his napkin. Either way, he will be surprised and feel extra loved when he opens it.

3. Stay in and Cook for your Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day

Speaking of food, what about dinner?

Here’s another unique way to celebrate your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. Rather than do what everyone else is doing, (to be blunt-dealing with the large, noisy crowds and slow service), agree to cook a meal and stay home. This won’t be a surprise because you’ll have to discuss it to be sure he’s not making any reservations. However, you don’t have to tell him what you plan to cook.

Cook your Boyfriend his favorite meal for Valentine’s Day

Instead of making reservation to go out for Valentine's dinner this year, make a reservation at your own dinner table. Make him feel like your Valentine by cooking him one of his favorite meals, setting a romantic table, and getting dressed up.

You know what his favorite meal is. And if you don’t know, just casually ask him in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day. For an appetizer, I made shrimp cocktail with a butter garlic dipping sauce. I cooked some juicy Filet Mignon for both of us, and I made sure they were cooked exactly how he likes them. For the side, I made mashed potatoes, how he likes them, and a steamed vegetable. This was a quick and easy meal that I know he loves. What a perfect, romantic way to make him feel special, just the way a Valentine should be.

Oh, but there is one more thing about that dinner you make for him at his home!

Get Dressed up

I don’t know about your valentine, but mine appreciates a nice dress and heels. I actually put on a red dress and black heels before I started cooking. When he came home and walked into his kitchen and saw me cooking in a dress and heels, he was surprised and happy. Again, regardless or how ridiculous and impractical it may be, the key is to let him know how much you love him. Make him feel like your Valentine by staying in and cooking his favorite meal.

4. Make a Photo Book for your Boyfriend on Valentine’s Day

Here is just one more idea you can do for your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day, and one that will wrap the day up and seal it with sentiment. Create a special photo book just for him. I originally borrowed this idea from my sister-in-law. She once made a photo book for my brother and gave it to him for Christmas. It’s easy to take some of your favorite photos and put them together into a book. Allow yourself to get a little more creative, however, and make a storybook. It was so much fun watching him read through the story and look at all the pictures. He read the entire story aloud to me, over dinner. And we were able to look back at particular memories we have made together. He was all smiles and laughs. All the details of how I did it are below.

Choose the Photos.

Put the photos in order according to all of the adventures you’ve had since you first started dating. This takes some time. Make sure the photos you choose are good quality images with a high resolution for printing. There were a few photos I used as watermarks on the page too, with no other photos or words. I will explain why in a minute.

Write your Story

Because I chose a storybook format, I was able to fill in many of the pages with literary components. I actually wrote a story, the true story of how we found each other and all of the amazing adventures we have had together. My husband is very sentimental. So I knew that a romantic adventure story about us would really make him feel like my Valentine. Note that, if you do a story, you will want to give it a title, and create a book jacket. You can even use the book jacket to write about the author (you), or add some fun/fictional book reviews.

Find out where to get your Better Quality photobook below.

Order the Book

A couple of things to note when choosing a company to order the book. In my opinion, the only real good company is Printique, formerly known as Adoramapix. They may be more pricey, but they do have good deals and coupons often, especially around certain holidays like Valentine’s. Other companies just don’t have the quality of paper, print quality, and binding quality for a lasting photo book.

Details and Finishing Touches

Once the book arrives in the mail, you can add some final touches if you so desire. When I wrote the story, I left some pages blank. I also used some photos as a watermark on some of the pages. For the blank pages, I printed part of the story on textured card stock. I attached it to the page using grommets. For the watermarked pages, I printed the story on velum paper and attached it to the pages with grommets. The velum paper allows him to read the story with the picture in the background. You certainly don’t have to do all this. However, it does add extra detail to the book and makes it fun to read. One thing to note is that when you use grommets, make sure you position them where they won’t punch through any picture on the other side of the page.

The Final Addition

I also made a video version of the story. I transferred the video to a DVD, (circa early 20-teens) and made a DVD sleeve on the inside back cover of the book to hold it. Today, you can do a video and use your own preferred technology for your Valentine to watch.

Four Secrets to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Like Your Valentine

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  1. These are all such great ideas, especially the tokens! So fun and flirty!

    1. sarah

      Thank you Angelica! We love doing this type of stuff.

  2. […] Also check out my blog about the Four Secrets to Making Him Feel Like YOUR Valentine […]

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