Engaging and Fun Math Learning Activities for Preschoolers, Kindergartners
Let’s Play Numbers
A comprehensive, full-semester mathematics curriculum packed with fun, engaging games that will guide your children as they explore and learn numbers and number relationships. Let’s Play Numbers is made for:
- Parents who want to give their toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners a head start on mathematics,
- Parents who want to use engaging, simple, and fun activities to teach number sense and lay the foundation for mathematics.
- Toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners who love learning-through-play activities, sensory play activities, and love using manipulatives while learning.
Let your little ones learn to count now! Get Let’s Play Numbers and join the fun!

Let’s Play Numbers was created by a mother and educator who…
- Successfully facilitated two years of preschool at home with her son.
- Is a former teacher, now stay-at-home mother.
- Thrives on simplicity in teaching complex concepts.
- Enjoys creating learning-through-play activities that are structured and also balanced with free play.
- Understands the value of parents engaging and interacting with their children through the combination of both play and instruction.
Let’s Play
is a number sense and math foundations curriculum packed with
17 engaging
that parents and teachers love. These math activities are for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners. Let’s Play Numbers is the perfect way to help students master number sense while still having fun.

Let’s Play Numbers has everything you need to help your children have fun while building number sense and foundational math skills, even if your children seem to have no prior understanding of numbers.
Let’s Play Numbers
- 5 learning units organized in 5 sections of play
- Number Recognition
- Number Relationships
- Counting
- Matching
- Writing
- 17 number games with clear and detailed instructions.
- Alternative Play ideas for adapting the games to older children who are learning more complex math skills.
- Alternative Play ideas for adapting the games to include multiple players.
- Clearly defined Learning Objectives.
- Key Concepts (definitions) written to a preschool/kindergarten comprehension level.
- Key Concepts (definitions) written to a preschool/kindergarten comprehension level.
- Detailed supply list for each section of play.
- Written Number Flashcards (1-20).
- Oversized Numerical Flashcards (1-20).
- 4 Oversized Math Sign Flashcards.
- All the necessary templates created for specific games.
- 2 unique styles of Dot Paper.
- 2 Number Markers.
- 4 different and colorfully designed BINGO Cards.

Let’s Play Numbers
is complete with
7 clearly defined
and obtainable
Your children will
Practice (and/or master) writing numerical numbers.
Identify, recognize and match the written numbers to the numeric numbers, and reverse.
Master counting up and down using a number marker, symbols, and working memory.
Master counting at least up to twenty, and likely beyond.
Gain basic understanding of greater than and less than number values.
Master number identification and recognition by matching a given object to the correct number shown.
Master counting and matching the corresponding number.
A Sneak
Let’s Play

to Facilitate
Let’s Play Numbers makes use of a large number of manipulatives throughout the games.
Manipulatives are physical objects that are used as teaching tools. They are highly beneficial in teaching math because they:

Provide tangible and visible structures for learning abstract concepts such as those we learn in mathematics.
Allow students to see mathematical ideas represented in multiple ways such as stacking, sorting, moving, filling, etc.
Support learning through observation, experimentation, and deductive reasoning.
Encourage student engagement, ownership of the learning process, and mastery of skills.
What is Number Sense?

Number Sense is an understanding of what numbers mean. Although number sense in not a new concept, it has gained more recognition in recent years due to the implementation of Common Core Standards for Math. Research shows that children who struggle with learning math and performing even basic operations have minimal or no number sense. The Common Core Standards for Math better lays the foundation for mathematics by focusing less on rules, formulas and calculations and more on number sense, particularly in the early childhood education years.
Number Sense includes and understanding of:
- Counting
- Number relationships, including groups of numbers
- Number values
- Order of numbers
- Quantities
- More/Less, Larger/Smaller, Greater Than/Less Than
- How to use numbers to make judgements
Why is Number Sense so Important?
Number Sense lays the foundations for basic mathematical skills such as the operations of adding and multiplying. It is essential in order to do everyday tasks including measuring, managing money, and telling time. Number sense is necessary in understanding whole and part relationships. It is also important to understanding proportions, statistics, and the ability to read, comprehend, and interpret data soundly.
Check out these math activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners!

Number Shapes
You will need: Painter’s tape (or other), pom poms, buttons, beans, or other manipulative, pencil or chalk (if working on a chalkboard). Cut out a square from cardboard, or use a magnetic board as shown. Using painter’s tape, create shapes with sides 1-9: line, parallel lines, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon. You can also draw the shapes with a marker. Using either pom poms, beans, buttons, or other, your child will count the sides of each shape and place the correct number of pom poms in each shape.
Number Sentences
You will need: Flashcards 1-9, Plus, minus, equals math signs, 10 dixie cups or similar, buttons, beans, or other manipulative, 10 coffee filters cut into small circles and numbered 1-9 (one will remain empty). Place the numbered circles in the bottoms of the cups. Give your child a group of number sentences. Using the flashcards and math signs, your child creates the number sentence. Next, your child will place the appropriate cups on the flashcards and count the correct number of buttons to add to them. The child transfers the buttons to the empty cup, counting each one as he moves them. If it’s a subtraction sentence, the child first takes away the correct number of buttons before transferring the rest. Your child finishes the sentence by adding the correct flashcard after the equal sign.
Number Puzzle
You will need: An empty cereal box or other thin cardboard, a sharpie, scissors. Cut out the front of the cereal box. Use a sharpie to write numbers on the back side, (1-12 or more). Cut out the columns first, making sure to cut in curvy lines. Next, cut each column into rows, also making curvy lines. Make the puzzle more difficult by cutting through some of the numbers. Let your child practice putting the puzzle back together.
Let’s Play Numbers

Time to Recap!
Let’s Play
will enable your
child to:
- Discover Tangible and Visible ways to learn complex and abstract concepts.
- See math concepts represented in a variety of ways: Stacking, Sorting, Moving, Filling, and more.
- Learn through Observation, Experimentation and Deductive Reasoning.
- Take Ownership of the learning process through fun and engaging number games.
- Increase his/her Number Sense and have a solid foundation for the next level in mathematics.
When you
Let’s Play
you will get
- 5 Learning Units organized in 5 sections: Number Recognition, Number Relationships, Counting, Matching, Writing.
- 17 Number Games with easy to read instructions for each activity.
- Alternative Play ideas to adapt the games to older children.
- Alternative Play ideas to include multiple players.
- Clearly defined Learning Objectives.
- Key Concepts written for preschool/kindergarten comprehension levels.
- Detailed Supply List for each section.
- Written Number Flashcards.
- Oversized Numerical Flashcards.
- 4 Oversized Math Sign Flashcards:
- All the Templates required for game play.
- 2 styles of Dot Paper.
- 2 Number Markers.
- 4 unique Bingo Cards.