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Stay Hopeful and Get Inspired with these Proven Steps for Chasing Your Dreams – Live Heart-Fully Conversations
There are those hopes and desires that happen quickly, perhaps even right away. In other cases, there are those that take years, decades even before the slightest movement forward is seen. Chasing dreams is hard. The waiting is also hard. But there are times when both are necessary in order hope to grow and inspiration to increase.
Sometimes, the fulfillment of a dream is in the timing. Other times, it is in our own maturity. There are also times when the people in our lives are not the right ones to support us while we are chasing our dreams.
When we don’t see fulfillment right away, we need to ask ourselves the hard but honest questions: Is this the right time? Am I mentally and emotionally ready for this? Do I have the right people supporting me?
For this Live Heart-Fully Conversation, I have invited Rebecca Woolf-Ratzon to share some words that I hope will inspire and encourage you to dream your dreams and stay hopeful, even in the wake of disappointment.
About the Live Heart-Fully Conversations
Welcome to the Live Heart-Fully Conversations! The Live Heart-Fully Conversations are a series of interviews and conversations created to inspire, provoke, and challenge you to go deeper in feeding your own soul and pursuing stronger, authentic relationships with others. Over the next year, I am talking with some amazing powerhouse people who have had some true challenges, lived through them, and are now sharing their own personal power stories.
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Welcome Rebecca Woolf-Ratzon

Rebecca Woolf-Ratzon is a professional life and business coach who helps entrepreneurs and high-level business executives gain a greater level of confidence and create healthy habits. Rebecca is aspiring to create an impact in a positive way. She wants to create new, innovative ways to develop her own business as she also coaches professionals to do the same. She is all about personal and professional growth and development. Her desire is to help others whenever possible and to be on the giving side of humanity.
Rebecca is married with three children. She holds a degree in English Literature as well as an Interior Design Diploma.
The Conversation: Staying Hopeful while Chasing Your Dreams
Have you had a dream in the past that you have felt was lost and/or hopeless, and/or given up on completely?
Rebecca: I have had many dreams that haven’t come true, one, in particular, was that I always wanted to become a Fashion Designer. I haven’t given up on it completely, but I know that it isn’t feasible as it just isn’t right for me. Not all our dreams are right for us and discovering this is important.
Sarah: Yes! First of all, I think that is so cool to have a dream like that. Second of all, I absolutely agree that not all our dreams are right for us. We can love something, such as fashion. And we can even be good at it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we need to make a career out of it. Also, I want to add that sometimes, our dreams can come true, but it might not look exactly as we imagined.
Rebecca: Yes, I totally agree. Some dreams start as something but over time evolve into something which is beautiful. We are not always able to be 100% clear on a dream. But when we achieve it we are able to recognize where we started and how it all started and the journey.
Sarah: Absolutely!
An example of that is that I always had this dream of being a teacher. And I actually did become a teacher. However, after some time I started realizing that I wasn’t happy, even though I was living and doing my dream. Eventually, I resigned. Not long after that, I had my son and as he started growing, I realized I can use my teaching skills to teach him at home. So we did two years of preschool-related learning at home, and I absolutely loved it! Now I am writing and publishing my own preschool curriculum based on those two years of experience teaching my son and based on my professional knowledge of teaching. What I realize is that I am still chasing my dream, it just looks different than I originally imagined.
Rebecca: It is funny as I also always wanted to teach others. I started by teaching ESL to both adults and children. People around me always claimed that I would be a great teacher. Over the last 20 years, I have always dreamed of teaching others but in a different way. So now I have taken my experience & knowledge and moved into coaching which is actually my biggest dream come true to date. I love teaching but always felt that just teaching a language wasn’t enough. Now I am helping others and doing what I love most!
Sarah: Wow! That is so awesome, and another great example of how our dreams evolve. They don’t always look exactly as we imagined them when we first started dreaming.
Rebecca: A hundred percent! When we try to make a dream a reality it sometimes takes a different path. I guess I would call it – Fine-tuning the original dream.
Describe a dream of yours that has not been fulfilled yet?
Rebecca: I have always dreamed of having a team of people work under me. I am currently working towards this goal and visualize it every day.
Sarah: When you say you “visualize it”, what does that mean exactly with regards to chasing your dreams and staying hopeful?
Rebecca: Well, I can actually picture how I will feel and what my dream coming true will actually look like. I focus on this on a daily basis.
Every morning when I sit down at my desk with my cup of tea, I visualize my success & exactly what my dream coming true looks like. This helps me start the day on the right foot and I am always determined to persevere and be as productive as possible. One step further to that incredible feeling, and accomplishing another dream – having my team work together with me work towards achieving my next dream.
Sarah: What a great way to start the day. Doing that visualization exercise probably helps plan and set your goals for each day, week, year.
The Timing Variable
Do you believe timing is important when it comes to chasing and realizing our dreams? Please explain.
Rebecca: I know this is true! Timing is everything in life. We go through many changes and evolve over time and we need to learn, try new things, make mistakes to fulfill dreams.
What we know at 40 is entirely different from at the age of 20, and we need to mature to succeed. Our perspective and attitude are huge factors and these change over time too.
We need to understand ourselves and to adjust before we can sometimes pursue particular goals and dreams.
Sarah: Oh my gosh, that is so true! We are constantly changing and growing. And with all that, we are being prepared to handle, with maturity, our dreams.
When I was younger (in my early twenties) I was very passionate about a lot of things. I still am. But I used to have this dilemma of being able to see where I need to go to reach a particular goal or dream. But I didn’t know how to get there. It sounds a bit dorky now, but I used to tell people that I have eagle eyes and can see where to go, but I don’t have the wings I need to get myself there.
In this analogy, the wings are the experiences of trying new things, making mistakes, gaining new perspectives, understanding ourselves, and the overall maturity needed to take on a goal or dream and see it fulfilled successfully.
Rebecca: Yes! Love this! I totally understand and relate to this.
People sometimes ask how I decided to become an entrepreneur. My main reason at the time was because I wanted to raise a family and it was so important for me to be there for my children. Little did I know that I was born to be an entrepreneur. It is something that I have discovered over time. I had no clue what I was doing at the time but as I matured and tried new things, I realized that I wouldn’t stop until I succeeded.
I am definitely spreading those wings now and flying!
The Often Overlooked Necessity- Maturity

Where does mental and emotional maturity fit into chasing our dreams?
Rebecca: Well, I think in order to really reach our dreams, we need to experience plenty [of mental and emotional maturity]. This means it is rare to find someone in their early twenties that will have [had] massive success. It does happen. But we need to mature. We need to learn. We need to make mistakes and usually, unfortunately, mostly through suffering, we are able to turn [a] negative into something incredible. It is all experience and maturity. People always ask what we would tell our younger selves if we had the chance.
Realistically, unless you actually go through a particular experience you will never truly understand and learn.
Sarah: Very well said.
Taking an Honest Look and Asking the Hard Questions
In chasing our dreams, when they aren’t happening as we imagined, what questions can we ask ourselves to help us navigate through to the next step?
Rebecca: We need to ask ourselves what we are doing wrong? We need to reverse our actions and look back to see what we could have done differently. We also need to always measure our progress so that we can see what works.
Sarah: What does it look like to measure our progress? Can you give some examples of that?
Rebecca: I record everything I do. I have a daily workflow and if I change it, I always record the changes I make.
One of my dreams is to help as many people succeed in achieving their dreams. So, making sure their result is possible [is important in this process [and] creating a structure and a plan [sic].
Sometimes clients don’t achieve the results they wanted. So, I record the process and that helps me compare. This way I am able to see what I need to change or do differently.
Another example is if I have a strong month (financially) and then a weak month, I examine what I did differently. This is all related to my dreams because some are driven by financial incentives.
Sarah: And this is something you are having your clients do as well, I’m sure. Giving them these tools to practice is part of you achieving your dream.

Chasing Your Dreams – The Next Steps
Likewise, what actions can we take to help us navigate through to the next step?
Rebecca: We always need to look at the whole picture. Try to look at everything from a different perspective. We also need to sometimes accept that there will be ups and downs. Reaching our dreams comes with major obstacles and sometimes we need to make some adjustments to our dreams.
Sarah: Adjustments! That is so true. I think that is something I discovered in the example I shared earlier of my dream of teaching. What are some other examples of adjustments?
Rebecca: I also mentioned above my example about teaching which has developed into coaching.
Sometimes, I think many dreams aren’t so realistic. For example, timing can have a huge impact on whether we can fulfill a dream. If we need to invest for example and at the time, we can’t invest what we need to. Maybe we have to wait or choose a different type of investment. Maybe we have to put a deadline [on a] dream that we try to turn into reality, but due to bad timing, it just isn’t possible! We have other commitments that take priority.
I am a huge believer that everyone needs a mentor. So I decided that [in order] to reach a goal of mine, I would need to make an investment in myself. [Though] I battled with it at the time as I always put everyone else first, [and] I needed to prioritize. It meant putting myself first, so I did. This was a great decision and I have no regrets.
Sometimes we need to accept help in order to reach [the] next steps. This is sometimes difficult for people to do.
Investing in yourself to achieve your dreams is very important in navigating through to next steps. We are never capable of doing everything, we have strengths and weaknesses. Accepting both and wasting as little time as possible is crucial.
Sarah: So did you get a mentor? Is that the personal/professional investment you are referring to?
Rebecca: Yes. And it was the best decision and investment I could have made!
Sarah: Also, what is an example in which a person has a dream, is aware of her strengths and the role she needs to play to make the dream happen, but is also aware of some weaknesses where she might need to ask for help?
Rebecca: If you are building a business, you cannot possibly do absolutely everything yourself. Most people starting out don’t have the privilege of paying experts to do the work they have no idea about. So, just start with what you know. Once, you start to get the needle moving and can invest, you need to get help with whatever creates the most growth. Pay an expert.
Waiting is so Hard
While chasing your dreams, have you ever experienced a “season of waiting” before seeing a dream fulfilled? Please share about that.
Rebecca: This has happened more recently. Covid was my biggest challenge during my career and the “season of waiting” as you call it was exactly that. I had to put everything on hold. It was actually a blessing in disguise as I learned to do everything differently, to slow down and take a minute. I have benefited hugely from this and as I am writing this, I am fulfilling my dream to develop a successful business doing exactly what I love.
Sarah: Congratulations on that! Yes, Covid has caused a lot of shifting and moving around internally and externally. It has changed a lot of perspectives too.
When Nothing’s Happening…Embace. Fight. Fail.

In your opinion, what are some reasons people don’t see their dreams fulfilled?
Rebecca: Unfortunately, the pressure is too much, they give up too easily and instead of embracing the hardships they fight against them. They can’t picture the end result and sometimes don’t accept the fact that they can’t do everything themselves. Help is not failure!
Sarah: There is a lot to unpack here. First, let’s talk about embracing hardships versus fighting against them. Can you give an example of that and talk about why this is so important?
Rebecca: I can give you a simple example. When we wake up feeling low, incapable of doing anything, and just want to stay in bed and hide under our cozy blanket. Sometimes we just don’t have the motivation we need to get up and keep going after our dreams.
Pre-Covid I would never take a day off other than a family holiday once a year in the summer for one week. Now, when I wake up feeling a little deflated, I take time out! I stop and allow myself to feel a little low and accept that it is not the end of the world and remind myself that I am human. I do something I love or just binge on Netflix occasionally. The same workload will be there tomorrow, and I will feel revived and happy to get up the next day. I just work through it and accept.
Sarah: That is such a beautiful example of embracing hardships sometimes. And I do agree that it is absolutely okay to let yourself have a day occasionally. Rest is important too, especially if we want longevity in chasing our dreams. Sprinting just leads to burnout.
Rebecca: Acceptance is a big factor here. I talk about this a lot in my content.
The importance of acceptance. Accepting that there will be struggles, that everyone suffers from low self-confidence and that imperfect is even perfect.
We can let go, say no, and take [a] timeout. It is ok! It is important because we need to understand that there will be plenty of dark days and if we continue to fight with ourselves, we will not create growth. And we always need to grow to ultimately fulfill our dreams.
Sarah: Yes.

Help is Not Failure
Sarah: The second thing I want to unpack here is the skill (which I will call it) of asking for help! Relinquishing control over some things and realizing that seeking “help is NOT failure.” Can you share more about that from your own experience?
Rebecca: Sure. So I even get laughed at for having so many different skills. I have always done everything myself with no help. It isn’t because I must be in the driving seat. I just love to learn and try anything at least once myself. This has been great as I have experienced so much over time, but it has also held me back.
More recently, I have changed and accepted that it isn’t humanly possible to do absolutely everything myself, especially if I want my business to grow on a larger scale. So, I outsource the things that I am not good at and concentrate on what is important to make my biggest dreams a reality.
When it’s Best to Table a Dream
What does it look like to table a dream versus giving up on a dream?
Rebecca: Some dreams can be unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong as I am a big dreamer but sometimes dreams can just stay as dreams because they aren’t accessible, and they are more like fantasies. Tabling a dream is more like putting it aside because it isn’t the right time. Or maybe [it’s] just a fantasy. And that is ok too.
Sarah: I believe tabling a dream is more related to timing or, as we discussed already, maturity. Perhaps circumstances are just not lining up the way they might need to in order to make it happen.
Rebecca: Maybe you are right. I recently discussed this with a client and I also think that people table a dream because they don’t believe in themselves enough to believe they could possibly make some of their dreams come true. They get tabled forever.
Sarah: That actually makes me sad. I believe that putting a dream on hold is sometimes necessary, but mostly due to lack of resources, or not having the proper support, or timing is a little off. However, lack of confidence should never be a contributing factor in putting a dream on hold. I think this is an important distinction to make, and sometimes we do have to ask ourselves hard questions about why we are not actively pursuing a particular dream. As a coach, I am sure you are constantly working to instill confidence, encourage, and inspire your clients to keep moving forward in chasing their dreams.
On the other hand, I do agree, however, that some dreams are just not realistic. When I used to teach high school, many of the boys in my classes had the same dream- to become a professional basketball OR football player (for either the NBA or NFL). I never had the words to encourage them in a different direction, but I would still offer a friendly smile.
Realistically the odds are so small that any one of them would ever see that dream fulfilled. Even the best players still struggle to get to the NBA or NFL (statistically speaking). I just share this as an example, but it is such a great example of a dream that would certainly be amazing but is not something I would put too much hope in.
Rebecca: Totally Agree!
Going back to tabling a dream, when and why might tabling a dream be beneficial?
Rebecca: Some dreams are not in our best interest, maybe we aren’t an expert, or we need to invest huge amounts that we don’t have, or the risk is just too high. Letting go or putting them aside can therefore be a more rational decision and for our benefit.
Perfect Timing. Or Not?
What are some obvious signs that it is the right timing to pursue a particular dream?
Rebecca: First of all, your gut knows when it is the right timing for something and there are many things that can get in the way.
I think mainly it is a matter of priorities in your life. For example, when you start expanding your family. Personally, I always worked from home, and whilst having my 3 kids, I knew that they were my priority, so my business was important but I invested less time in it when my kids were small.
Sarah: That is such a good example of setting priorities while still chasing your dreams, and knowing that gut feeling about the timing.
We just can’t do it all. And realistically, even if we could, we can’t do it all at the same time. I hope that makes sense.
So, prioritizing is essential. And I believe there are seasons in our lives when one dream might take precedence while another gets put on hold.
Surrounded by Like-Minded People
Let’s talk about the people in our lives for a minute. How do the people in our lives play a role in our own personal and professional pursuit of a dream? Is their role crucial? Why or why not?
Rebecca: I believe that the people around us are essential to how we grow. Sometimes even those we think have our best interest at heart don’t really understand us as they are not in our shoes.
If we are surrounded by positive & successful people, we are more likely to be driven to copy or find our own success. If we surround ourselves with weak, negative people it makes it much harder to pursue our dreams. They will never be a good influence or support or even encourage you.
Sarah: Yes! So true!
That Lonely Feeling of Going it Alone

How important is it for an individual to feel supported by others when chasing their dreams?
Rebecca: It depends. Support is a bonus but at the end of the day you are usually alone in this game and you can always pay for support.
Sarah: What do you mean by “you are alone”? Can you give an example of this?
Rebecca: Only we are responsible for our success. Obviously, if you have support and guidance from the people around you it is a huge bonus, but it is up to you to make decisions, to never give up, to make mistakes, and fix them.
No one can do the work for you and no one can fulfill your dreams but you!

I personally have had no support apart from my husband. He has no idea what it means to be self-employed, but he has been incredible in giving me the freedom to try whatever I want. At the end of the day [however], it is solely up to me to achieve my goals and I feel alone in it.
I personally have had no support apart from my husband. He has no idea what it means to be self-employed, but he has been incredible in giving me the freedom to try whatever I want. At the end of the day [however], it is solely up to me to achieve my goals and I feel alone in it.
Sarah: Also, what do you mean by “pay for support”?
Rebecca: If you don’t have support, you can take on a mentor or coach to provide the support you need. In fact, I highly recommend it for [sic] everyone. When you pay someone, they will guide you, they will be your biggest fan, but they will also tell you the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. This is something that your personal support system will usually avoid doing.
Final Thoughts on Chasing Your Dreams

Is there anything else you would like to add regarding this topic of chasing our dreams to the fullest?
Rebecca: I just want to add that I wish everyone would go after their dreams. Break through the fears and just do what they want for themselves [sic]. Enjoy the process, and experience that incredible feeling once a dream is fulfilled.
It sometimes saddens me when I see people stop themselves from feeling true happiness because they are too afraid.
My biggest mission is to have an impact on as many people as possible. To spread my positive energy and motivate precious people to go after their dreams and achieve them with grace.
Sarah: Thank you so much for this lovely conversation. And thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience regarding pursuing your own dreams and helping guide others as they pursue their dreams.
Key Highlights on Chasing Your Dreams
- Not every dream is right for us. Sometimes our fulfilled dreams might look different than we initially imagined them. Other times they might take a different path all together.
- Time. Trial. Permission to Err. These are all essential to fulfilling our dreams. This is called learning and maturing.
- Be willing to accept challenges and setbacks. It is okay to make adjustments to a dream. It is a natural part of the process, and brings us to a place of greater maturity.
- Asking for help is not failure. You cannot possibly do it all and succeed. Know your limitations and get help when necessary.
- Accept that there will be struggles. Allow yourself time to reflect and renew, but don’t give up.
- Tabling a dream is okay when the stars aren’t lining up – timing, risk variables, resources, support. Lack of confidence should NEVER be an excuse for putting a dream on hold.
Take Action and Start Chasing Your Dreams
- Visualize your dream.
- Imagine a day living out this dream? What is it you are doing as you are living out your dream?
- Describe what your dream fulfilled look like?
- What people are involved?
- When its not working, ask yourself what you need to do differently.
- Measure your progress often.
- Track your daily workflow.
- Record any changes made to your workflow.
- Create a structure
- Have a plan for achieving results.
- Continue making changes as needed.
- Compare results month to month.
- Ask for help when you need it. Investing your time in a mentor or professional development is important and worthwhile.
- Surround yourself with positive and successful people.
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You can find and follow Rebecca by clicking the buttons below.
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